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The Bullfrog Fish Farm

Writer: Second Opinion MagazineSecond Opinion Magazine
At the Bullfrog Fish Farm… Folks are more than welcome to enjoy and share in the farm’s humble sort of beauty… Whether you are able to “cop” a tour… watch your order being netted, cleaned and iced… sample our smoked products… or experience the magic and belly laughs of

fishin’ ‘round the pond with friends and family…

A Little History A 1987 discovery of a plentiful and pure water resource hidden just below the surface of a marginal and sandy farm field gave vision to fish farming as a way of life! Out of the gumption and wit of rural culture, and after seven years of research, design, construction, and planning, Herby Radmann was able to initiate his fish farm business in March of 1994.

The challenge and opportunity of this vision had become quite the adventure. In making its way, it was realized that the Bullfrog Fish Farm was not only the result of its Sole Proprietor’s hard work, but it had also come to represent the efforts and support of its community.

The Bullfrog Fish Farm is dedicated to the genius of “Bullfrog Fresh” RAINBOW TROUT, Smokin’ GOOD FISH and more!

“We are farmers, processors, mongers and whatever else it takes… We have become proficient in the production, processing, and marketing of Rainbow Trout at the rate of 15,000-20,000 lbs. per year and growing. We serve the folks of the Chippewa Valley Area and our visiting friends with the ultimate in fresh water fish and recreation.”

The Fish Farm Crew The Farm’s “Eat My Fish” offerings include- farm retail sales, pondside fishing, group outings and educational tours by arrangement, a Family Beer & Beverage Garden, the “Chippewa Valley Trout Route,” and the sale of live trout for stocking purposes.

Recently we have been practicing and developing ourselves in two other markets. First is the reaching out or growing more regionally with our products and services, with a focus being given to our famous smoked trout spread and delicious smoked trout fillets. The second is the production and sale of other fish for both food and stocking purposes…the production of bluegills is well on its way.

Founder: “Preservation of Character Society”.

Using a rural way to tell a story… *ADVOCACY * PROMOTION * EDUCATION

Herby and the Farm Crew have not only weathered the pioneering and complex status of Wisconsin fish farming, they have also found camaraderie with other small or developing farms and rural business. This camaraderie, regard for rural culture, and notions in humanality has brought additional meaning and purpose to the farm and all that they do: A farm with a mission!


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