Empower Your Life with Meditation at the Christine Center
Meditation is ancient wisdom practice for today. Found at the heart of all the great religions, it’s a spiritual practice that helps us grow into our full potential. Regular practice brings many benefits that can make us feel better, more relaxed, hopeful, and better able to handle our lives. Meditation is now accepted as having a highly therapeutic effect and is recommended by mental health workers for stress reduction and to gain more self-awareness.
The Christine Center for Meditation offers retreats for meditation from both East and West.
Western or Christian Meditation is considered a way of prayer that goes beyond reducing symptoms to a deeper level of healing. According to the World Community of Christian Meditation, “In the silence of meditation we begin to know in the depths of our being that we are loved and accepted, that we are held by a gentle power, which transcends fear and can never leave us.”
The two most common forms of Eastern or Buddhist meditation are Mindfulness of Breathing to achieve deep calm and inner peace and Loving Kindness Meditation to make positive changes in our lives and be more accepting and forgiving of ourselves and others.
However your journey is inspired and informed, at the Christine Center we’re here to support your inner and outer transformation: work drawing you toward your essence and growth of soul.
In addition to various meditation retreats offered throughout the year, we also offer art and writing as contemplative practice, yoga, Jungian dream work, sacred dance, and many other programs for personal growth. We offer a three-year certificate program, Spiritual Deepening for Global Transformation. You can come alone to experience the transformative power of a personal retreat or bring a group of friends, family, or coworkers for get-togethers or meetings.
Stay in a hermitage in the woods or in our guest house. Eat home-cooked meals, full of life, and made with love or prepare your own food. You’ll find a beautiful chapel and meditation hall. Our guests note the hospitality as warm and generous; the atmosphere: peaceful, rich, restful, transforming, or life-affirming. We offer support for your inner work. The art studio, the bookstore, and library may be just what you need. Hike or cross-country ski the trails through the 120 acres of woodlands.
Awesome times! These days in which we live and stretch ourselves to the tasks of love and service are an amazing opportunity, where we learn the power of sitting still in meditation, of engaging in soulful creativity, and of focusing our energies for the good of all.
We invite you to come, be in the moment, confident that “just to be is a blessing.”
The Christine Center. W8303 Mann Road, Willard, WI 54493. Call for more information and to register at 800-366-7507 or 715-267-7507. Email at christinecenter@tds.net. Visit www.christinecenter.org.
Healing Energy through Art and Color Erin Designs, LLC
Color can stimulate, relax, or change your mood. Focusing on how color affects us from the inside or higher-self is another way to think of and view color. Certain colors can stimulate an inner knowing of who you are and can amp up your energy level.
On the premise that we are all made of energy and there are seven main colors, think of the colors in a rainbow, which are part of an energy system called chakras. Each color is assigned to an energy center within our body. When our life/bodies are not in balance, it is said that we have energy blocks and dis-ease can result. Through art, color, and intension, healing is possible! By understanding the chakras and associated colors, you can be inspired to wake up to the beautiful and colorful life you are meant to have. Embracing and loving who you are. To make this world a better place to live.
1st Chakra – Root – Red – I AM Grounded I nurture my body with clean food and water, exercise, and relaxation.
2nd Chakra – Sacral – Orange – I AM Passionate I experience the present moment through my all senses.
3rd Chakra – Solar Plexus – Orange – I AM Authentic I express myself in a powerful way to manifest my hopes and dreams.
4th Chakra – Heart – Green – I AM Loving All Love resides within my heart.
5th Chakra – Throat – Sky Blue – I AM Strong With spoken word, I express my truth with ease.
6th Chakra – Third Eye – Indigo – I AM Enlightened I am wise, intuitive, and connected with my Inner Guide.
7th Chakra – Crown – Violet – I AM Oneness I connect with the wisdom of the Universe.
Erin O’Brien is an artist and interior design consultant with Erin Designs, LLC. “Together we can create a beautiful, healthier, greener place to live, work, and be.” She teaches water aerobics at the Eau Claire YMCA and is Reiki level one attuned. www.erindesigns.com