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Gardening Is Essential for Your Health

Writer: Second Opinion MagazineSecond Opinion Magazine

During this time of quarantine and stay-at-home orders, many of us are struggling to find new ways to feel productive and remain sane. Well, they say that with the bad comes some good, and the news that nurseries, greenhouses and flower shops will be allowed to reopen at the beginning of May, is VERY good news.

According to Garden Center magazine, “Nurseries, garden centers and flower shops are playing a critical role by allowing families to plant backyard gardens or reach out to grandparents by sending flowers. All without ever coming into contact with another person.”

Area flower shops and garden centers like Christensen Florist & Greenhouses in Chippewa Falls, WI have been committed to staying open and, with these new looser guidelines, welcome you to come in today to get your hands back in the dirt.

“Across the country, there has been a resurgence of Victory Gardening — a concept which first became popular during WWII when 40% of the U.S. food supply came from urban home and community gardens,” said Mary Kimball, executive director of the Center for Land-Based Learning. “Nurseries provide necessary plants and supplies to home, urban, church, school and neighborhood gardens. They are essential to our nation’s food supply.”

Garden centers and florists not only provide an incredibly important service to small-sized farming operations, urban and community gardens, but a healthy activity like gardening is something families can enjoy during this time when so much has been taken away.

Psychology Today states that gardening and planting get us moving and outdoors. When we rake the lawn, till the dirt, or just walk around the yard a hundred times, our brains release serotonin and dopamine to us feel good. Subsequently, the level of the stress hormone cortisol is lowered. Gardening also lets us vent our anger and take it out on hedges that have overgrown!

While you can now personally visit local businesses, you can still practice social distancing by ordering online or by phone with curbside pick up.

The garden and flower industries are indeed critical to our well-being, and we need them this spring more than ever before!



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