Seibel’s Organic Dairy is a fifth-generation family owned and operated dairy farm near Bloomer, Wisconsin. Chuck and Diane Seibel bought the farm from his dad in 1983. Chuck transitioned the farm and became certified organic in 2001 in search of a healthier life style. Their son Adam and his wife Chrissy joined the operation about ten years ago. Around that time they all formed their pasture-raised organic meat business.
Why Organic?
Organic farming does not use pesticides or synthetic fertilizers, which are designed to kill living organisms, can be harmful to wildlife, and can contaminate food, air, and water, as well as accumulate in our cells. Organic farmers also do not use synthetic growth or breeding hormones, which are often used to alter reproductive cycles and speed up growth. This means healthier, less stressed animals and less exposure to endocrine-disrupting hormones for those consuming organic meats. The Seibels do not use antibiotics in raising their beef, nor do they use any genetically modified crops. They seek to raise their animals in harmony with nature. They feel strongly that their meat tastes better and has more flavor than other meats due to the humane way they are raised.
How Are the Animals Raised?
All of their animals are raised in well-ventilated facilities, all built since 2005. From birth until two months of age, the calves receive milk, water, and calf starter, which is a mix of oats, corn, and all the right minerals to help them get off to a great start. Calves are housed in a state-of-the-art calf facility with individual pens. From two to six months the calves eat oats and dry hay and are grouped in adjustable pens to comfortably house anywhere from two to fifteen calves Once the calves reach six months of age, they receive a majority of their feed from the farm’s rich, lush pastures. If the weather is not ideal for them to be outside, they can come into the barn to cool off in the summer or warm up in the winter.
What Products Do They Sell?
Seibel’s Organic Meats, LLC, offers frozen ground beef, tenderloin, ribeye, New York strip, sirloin steak, round steaks, sirloin tip roast, rump roast, prime rib roast, and beef roast. Beef is also available by the eighth, quarter, or half. They just recently began raising chickens. Their chickens are fed all certified organic feed and raised with access to pasture. These chickens are frozen whole and available year-round, however they are not certified organic due to processing plant licensing. All items are available for pick up at the farm, but they ask that you call before coming to make sure someone will be there. All pricing is listed on their website.
Contact them at, call Chuck at (715) 568-2587 or Adam at (715) 933-2494. Visit them on the web at or find them on Facebook