by Susan Krahn, MS, RDN, CD, CLC, Public Health Nutritionist, Eau Claire City-County Health Department
Most experts agree that healthy eating doesn’t need to be complicated. Unfortunately, the endless aisles of food options at the grocery store paired with quick, easy access to endless information on the Internet can make it feel complicated! We’ll make it easy for you with one simple rule: avoid the fad diets and stick with the basics. Most health professionals agree the following tips will promote a long, happy, healthy life.
1) Balance your diet with foods from all food groups. • Add healthy foods – Load up on all kinds of colorful fruits and vegetables. Rather than avoiding all grains (carbohydrates), eat smaller portions of whole grain bread, pasta, brown rice, quinoa, or oatmeal. Add foods that are high in healthy fats like avocados, salmon, nuts, and olive oil. • Create new behaviors – Identify times when you eat mindlessly or tend to cave in to “junk foods.” Plan ahead for a healthier food you will eat instead, or an enjoyable activity to avoid eating at that time. • Eat less added sugars – Learn how to read food labels for sugar. Some repeat offenders include obvious items like soda, desserts, and candy, but added sugars can also be found in flavored yogurts, juice drinks, granola bars, and cereals. Many people find renewed energy and weight loss after cutting down on foods that contain added sugars.
2) Get active every day with enjoyable movement. Sit less today. Any activity is better than none, so find something that you enjoy and can do often. If exercise is intimidating, try simple steps like taking the stairs instead of the elevator, walking at work breaks, or waking up 15 minutes earlier for yoga before the day gets busy.
3) Make your mental health a priority. Foster a positive attitude about your health and food. Get into a “wellness state of mind.” Your mind plays an important role in how you feel about food and eating. Ask yourself: • Why do I want to make changes now? What is my goal? • How ready am I for this change? • Am I willing to try healthier foods? • Do I understand that change takes time, patience, and daily action?
If you are ready to embrace a healthy way of living and want to learn more, check out: Total Body Diet For Dummies by Victoria Shanta Retelny, RDN, LDN and the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics; Wiley, 2016.
March was National Nutrition Month®, an annual campaign highlighting the importance of making informed food choices and developing sound eating and physical activity habits. In addition, National Nutrition Month® promotes Registered Dietitian Nutritionists (RDNs) as the most valuable and credible source of timely, scientifically-based food and nutrition information.
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