The most important part of a lawn is what you can’t even see: the soil and the roots. Improving the soil and roots are key factors to having a lawn that is healthy, which will prevent weeds and diseases without the need for hazardous pesticides. The use of organic fertilizers, combined with proper care and cultural maintenance practices, is a safe and simple way to care for a lawn without jeopardizing the health of your family or the environment.
University of Wisconsin research shows that it is important to fertilize your lawn every year. Even a single season without fertilization can reduce your lawns density, increasing water runoff by as much as 70%.[1]Applying a slow release organic fertilizer at least once or twice a year will thicken your lawn to prevent water runoff and reduce weeds over time.
Core aeration is a method that can help make your lawn look healthier and reduce its maintenance requirements through the following means: [2]
Improves the air exchange between the soil and atmosphere
Enhances soil-water uptake
Improves fertilizer uptake and usage
Contributes to stronger turfgrass roots
Reduces soil compaction
Helps breakdown thatch
Reduces water runoff and puddling
Enhances tolerance to heat and drought-stress
Improves resiliency and cushioning
In addition to fertilization and aeration, there are three very important things you can do to reduce the cost of caring for a lawn while improving the health of your lawn:
Mowing high
Mowing at three inches or higher allows the longer grass blades to create a canopy blocking the suns harsh rays from drying out and degrading the soil, and also prevents weed seeds from reaching the soil surface. And your lawn will be a richer green because it is the tip of the grass blade that is the darkest.
Watering deeply but less often
Full-sun lawns require about an inch of water per week to thrive, while lawns in shade require less water and less fertilizer. For the ideal silt-loam soil, one deep soaking of a lawn is all it needs each week. Between watering, the lawn will grow deeper roots in search of water.
Leaving the clippings on
By not bagging your lawn clippings, you essentially are adding about 1 pound of nitrogen per 1,000 square feet, which is roughly a third of the total annual requirement of lawns in our area.[3]
For more information or to schedule a Free Comprehensive Lawn Analysis visit Safe & Simple Truly Organic Lawn Care at or contact Anthony via email: or phone 715-590-8779.
Additional Resource
University of Wisconsin Extension –
[1]Lawn Fertilization – W.R. Kussow, S.M. Combs, A.J. Sausen, and D.J. Soldat
[2]Aerating Your Lawn – Jim Novak, The Lawn Institute
[3]Organic Lawn Fertilization- Sharon Morrisey, UW-Extension Milwaukee County and Doug Soldat, UW-Madison Soil Science