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Autism, Lyme Disease and our Children

Writer's picture: Second Opinion MagazineSecond Opinion Magazine

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), approximately one in 40 children have been diagnosed with Autism today. If that doesn’t make the hair on your arms stand up, then what about the prediction that this statistic will rise to one in TWO children by the year 2040!  It might sound crazy, but we can slow or even stop the symptoms of Autism—we just have to start looking in the right places.

Every year I see more children in my practice with what I would consider to be an “older person’s problem.”  Children that are are losing their sight, their ability to form a sentence, or using a walker because their legs no longer function properly—these are some of the things I have seen in the past year alone. These children have usually been to multiple doctors who have run multiple tests.  However, the tests often show nothing!  Why you ask? Because they are looking at the wrong tissues, using the wrong testing, and looking for the wrong things. I can point to one simple truth that rings true every time one of these young or middle grade children steps into my office: toxins.

We encounter toxins in all areas of our environment, but many factors seem to be common in the children I have seen:

  1. Undiagnosed Lyme disease in mothers is transferred through the placenta or breast milk

  2. Undiagnosed Lyme disease in young children who may have been bitten by a mosquito or tick

  3. Ammonia and peroxide in a child’s brain from bacteria and parasites associated with Lyme disease and co-infections

  4. Chemical toxins from our current farming practices (herbicides and pesticides)

  5. Bio-toxins from various forms of mold that hide in our houses and schools

So why can’t modern medicine diagnose our children properly?  Most of these toxins have left the blood stream and crossed into the blood brain barrier.  Some of these pathogens (viruses, bacteria and parasites) have successfully set up residence in the brain and spinal cord releasing their toxins and destroying basic neurological function.  Sometimes doctors clump these symptoms into a diagnosis, such as Autism, but it doesn’t change the fact that these toxins are affecting their neurological systems with no real explanation of how they became so sick.

Imagine if we lined up 100 children, you would see a multitude of different reactions, and the variations in reactions would be based on their ability to remove these toxins from their system.  If their liver pathways are compromised and they are deficient in basic vitamins and minerals, the stronger the reaction will be to the injected toxins.

We need to start asking the hard questions of ourselves, each other, and the healthcare establishments about how to make changes in the testing before symptoms become permanent (along with the labels we so freely use).  Labeling a diagnosis doesn’t change the fact that a child is ill.  We need to educate ourselves on these topics before it is too late.

A good place to start is by reading and watching the following material:


Dissolving Illusionsby Dr. Susan Humphries MD, or Surviving Moldby Dr. Richie Shoemaker MD (books)

Visit and click on Educational Videos

I have seen amazing results in our practice by doing the simplest and most basic things: finding the toxin, finding the source of the toxin, and removing it from the tissue where it is hiding.  This has become the starting point to bringing children, and yes, even us older adults, back to life.  When the toxic blocks are removed and cells can make energy, things start to change in a permanent way.  We don’t need stronger drugs, we simply need more understanding and a cleaner environment for our children to be raised before it’s too late.

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